Grams of Baking Soda to Teaspoons (tsp in g)

Enter number of teaspoons (tsp) or grams of baking soda (g) to convert with our calculator:


* You might find discrepancies in number calculations due to round-off errors!
** All values are approximate and may differ from actual ones.

The average value of a teaspoon of baking soda converted to gram is approximately 6 grams (1/2 tsp of baking soda is equal 3 g). It means:
Grams = tsp * 6;
Teaspoons = Grams / 6;

It's a bit tricky to get the exact amount during conversion because it also depends on humidity, temperature, or how well the ingredient was packaged. A good way is to measure ingredients by weight to reduce errors.

The table below shows the pre-calculated amount of baking soda in Teaspoons and Grams.

tsp gr tsp gr
1 6 0.2 1
2 12 0.3 2
3 18 0.5 3
4 24 0.7 4
5 30 0.8 5
6 36 1 6
7 42 1.2 7
8 48 1.3 8
9 54 1.5 9
10 60 1.7 10
11 66 1.8 11
12 72 2 12
13 78 2.2 13
14 84 2.3 14
15 90 2.5 15
16 96 2.7 16
17 102 2.8 17
18 108 3 18
19 114 3.2 19
20 120 3.3 20
21 126 3.5 21
22 132 3.7 22
23 138 3.8 23
24 144 4 24
25 150 4.2 25